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Store Name Best Rate Extrabux BeFrugal MrRebates TopCashback RebatesMe More Sites
Upwork 42% $7.00 $7.07 $2.00 12 Sites
Uber Eats Up to$13.00 $3.20 $3.00 $4.04 $6.00 14 Sites
USA Medical 50% 35.35% 7 Sites
Ultahost 40.4% 8% 40.4% 5 Sites
Unicoeye 30.3% 30.3% 30% 8 Sites
Ultra Mobile Up to$27.00 Up to$24.00 $5.00 $5.00 $10.10 $5.00 12 Sites
Udemy 23% 23% 10% 10% 10.1% 23% 19 Sites
Udacity 22.5% 8% 15% 10.1% Coupon Only 10 Sites
UB Super 20.2% 20.2% 3 Sites
Ulike 20.2% 10% 1% 6% 20.2% 10% 11 Sites
Store Name Best Rate Extrabux BeFrugal MrRebates TopCashback RebatesMe More Sites
UGREEN 18.18% 6.5% 8% 18.18% 8% 8 Sites
UnbeatableSale 17% 17% 12.12% 12% 18 Sites
Ublives 16% 16% 2 Sites
Urban Decay 15.15% 5% 6% 8% 15.15% 11% 16 Sites
Unagi Scooters $15.00 $15.00 3 Sites
Unigear 15% 15% 10% 5 Sites
Under Armour Up to13.5% 4.5% 5% 8% 5% 5% 18 Sites
Ublins 12.12% 1% 12.12% 5 Sites
Ugly Christmas Sweater Up to12.12% 10% 6% Up to12.12% 11 Sites
Ulanzi Up to12.12% Up to10% Up to12.12% 6 Sites
Store Name Best Rate Extrabux BeFrugal MrRebates TopCashback RebatesMe More Sites
Under Armour DE Up to12% 10% 4 Sites
UnderPar Up to11% 6% 5% Up to8.08% Up to4% 11 Sites
Ultimate Ears 10.1% 10% 10.1% 10% 10 Sites
Underwear Expert $10.10 8% 5% $6.00 $10.10 8 Sites
Unifury 10.1% 6% 10.1% 4 Sites
U.S. Polo Assn. 10% 6% 10% 5% 9 Sites
UGREEN DE 10% 2 Sites
UGREEN FR 10% 1 Site
Ulta Beauty 10% 2% 1% 10% 2% 17 Sites
Unify Health Lab 9% Up to8.08% 5% 7 Sites
Store Name Best Rate Extrabux BeFrugal MrRebates TopCashback RebatesMe More Sites
UNIONBAY 8.08% 8% 3% 8.08% 5% 12 Sites
Unique Vintage 8.08% 6% 8.08% 1% 6 Sites
udog 8% 1 Site
Ultima Replenisher 8% 8% 1 Site
Unison 8% 1 Site
Unlimited Biking 7.2% Coupon Only 2 Sites
Ulla Popken 7% 3% 7% 3 Sites
Urtopia 7% 7% 4 Sites
Until Gone Up to6.5% Up to6.5% 5% 3% 5.05% 5% 13 Sites
UCAN 6.06% 6.06% 5 Sites
Store Name Best Rate Extrabux BeFrugal MrRebates TopCashback RebatesMe More Sites
Unice 6.06% 6% 6.06% 6% 11 Sites
US Chess 6.06% 5% 6.06% 3% 8 Sites
U Beauty 6% 3% 5% 5.05% 5% 13 Sites
Uncharted Supply Co. 6% 3 Sites
Unineed 6% 5% 4 Sites
ust 6% 1 Site
Uber $5.05 $1.00 $5.05 Coupon Only 4 Sites
Unbound Merino 5.05% 5.05% 8 Sites
Ubisoft Up to5% Up to2.5% 3.03% 4% 14 Sites
Ugly Stik 5% 1% 2.02% 2% 5 Sites
Store Name Best Rate Extrabux BeFrugal MrRebates TopCashback RebatesMe More Sites
Upway 5% 2 Sites
Ubuy DE 4.5% 3 Sites
Ubuy UK 4.5% 3 Sites
Umbra Up to4.5% 2% 3.03% 8 Sites
UNIQLO Canada 4.04% 4.04% 4% 2 Sites
Universal Standard 4.04% 3% 4% 3% 4.04% 4% 16 Sites
UGG 4% 0.5% 2% 1% 2% 1.5% 14 Sites
UGG UK Up to4% Up to4% Up to2% 2 Sites
Urban Outfitters Up to4% 1.6% 2% 3% Up to4% 3% 17 Sites
Undercover Tourist Up to$3.00 Up to0.8% Up to1% 1% 7 Sites
Store Name Best Rate Extrabux BeFrugal MrRebates TopCashback RebatesMe More Sites
Urban Armor Gear 3% 3% 3 Sites
UGG CA 2% 1.5% 2% 3 Sites
UNIQLO 2% 1.5% 2% 2% 10 Sites
United Vacations 1.5% 7 Sites
USA TODAY Network Coupon Only Coupon Only 3 Sites